It is multidimensional and sees beyond the reality of appearances into True Reality, or your True Self.
And it has the ability to go deep into your DNA.
Put prints on your body, feel and recalibrate.
Attune to your crystalline energy field, use it daily to expand your Light!
“Your tarot deck has so much of choosing being at peace. Your tarot deck lead people back to their wholeness, especially the issues that woman deal with.”
Spirit - Donna Bradley
“These are not ordinary tarot cards, each of them is a gateway…” Kartron channeled by Patrick McCormick
These cards are a non-traditional card deck with 67 cards, which was not planned but happened naturally.
6+7=13, which is a very powerful number and I found different websites who talk about it.
Here just a few insights about the number 13 :
~ In ancient times was a sacred number because it cannot be divided and is thus close to the nature of a circle.
~ 13 is a feminine number and suggests that you tap into your intuition.
~ 13 is a very sacred number.
~ 13 is "The Return of the Goddess in all things", brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of ascension, the new earth frequency code, Unity and Oneness.
This mist is energetically made with certain light vibrations like sound and symbols, synergistically balanced with essential oils and crystals infused.
The intention and energy behind this mist is that of being grounded and rooted into the earth crystal and yet feeling connected to your Divine Source.
An analogy I like:
"The mountain is anchored deep in the earth and rises beyond the clouds. Feel the suere footings of your foundation. Connect to your centre that cannto be rocked. Rise to your lofty heights, and you can see forever."
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